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"Was there some mystical handbook that everyone else got that I missed somewhere along the way that told them how to do makeup?”

How many times has that question crossed your mind?

✔️ “I’ve never felt confident doing my makeup.”

✔️ “I’m in my thirties and still don’t know how to do concealer.”

✔️ "I really just don't know what I'm doing and can't for the life of me blend anything!"

✔️ "I always feel like when I put on makeup it’s way too much... and then in a photo, recording, or live I look really washed out. I don't get it."

Maybe you’ve been wearing makeup for years, but wouldn’t say you feel super knowledgeable about it.

The same questions keep popping up:

🤔 “Am I doing this right?”

🤔 “Is there a right way to do this?”

🤔 "Why are there other people that always have that "perfect" look when I see them?"

And you reach the same conclusion every time:

“Maybe makeup is just not for me.”

Or perhaps you’re just getting started and feel overwhelmed about where to begin. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a roadmap? One place to go to tell you how to apply products correctly and why your foundation didn’t work out the first time around?


Secret Makeup Handbook is the crash course to makeup everyone needs. This video series teaches you the simplest way to understanding and applying makeup so you can feel confident knowing, “This is how I do it.”


Remember. . .

that first time you tried to order from Starbucks and had no idea what a Triple Venti No Foam Soy Latte was? *And if you still don’t, I feel you!* It all felt impossible. You just wanted a yummy coffee! But then you visited a few times with a friend and they explained the sizing, the extra flavor add-ins, they let you take a sip of their order so you could figure out if you liked it.

Before you knew it, YOU were the one rattling off, “I’d like an iced grande mocha with oat milk,” and caught the confused look on the person’s face behind you as they stared at the overwhelming menu. You smiled to yourself as you thought,

"I remember when it was all so confusing".

-You after Secret Makeup Handbook

What You’ll Learn

There are some universal truths about makeup that everyone doesn’t know but once you do, changes EVERYTHING about your understanding of and ability to do makeup.

  • How to properly take off your makeup, keeping your skin in great shape.

  • Why finding the right foundation color is such a hassle, and how to get it right.

  • How to find the perfect eyeshadow color for you.

  • The two things you need to know to avoid throwing your money away every time you buy a new concealer or foundation.

  • CONFIDENCE that you look and feel great every time you finish doing your makeup.

And much more!

“Keela is a makeup genius. What I like best about her approach is she's realistic and relatable. Finding makeup that best suits your personality and skin-types can be hard and makeup in general can feel intimidating. Keela takes away all of those feelings and makes you feel empowered and educated. I recommend her to anyone looking to start a new makeup regime or need a refresher. She's my go-to girl!​”

-Brigitte A.

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Meet Keela

I remember my first time working as a makeup artist when my client looked at herself in the mirror and said, “I didn’t know I could look like that!” with a beaming smile on her face. That moment never gets old for me. I love to help women find what makes them feel beautiful. I know how hard it is to see a look in a magazine, social media, or Pinterest and think, “THAT! That’s what I want to look like,” and feeling like you could never match up. All you need is someone to guide you and teach you the specific techniques that work for your unique features, face shape, eye color, and skin tone to get the results you want. I'm here to help.

Secret Makeup Handbook is what I would teach anyone curious about makeup, no matter what age or stage in life they wanted to learn. It’s all the information you need to close the gaps in your makeup knowledge. Most of us had one experience, if we’re lucky, being shown how to do makeup. It could’ve been a big sister or someone at a makeup counter, but you got one chance. And then you were left to figure out the rest on your own.

You’re not alone anymore.

Here’s what’s included

*This 25 page digital download is embedded with links to the following content.*

💄 11 Content Videos

helping you gain more knowledge on makeup: what works, what doesn’t, and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.

💄 8 Step-by-Step Tutorials

on applying makeup, one product at a time. No more scrolling through YouTube and finding thousands of “Instagram makeup” videos that won’t work for your needs or everyday life.

💄 Keela’s “My Favorites” List

including the exact products she recommends and links to purchase.



BONUS Resources include. . .

  • The makeup tutorial that works for everyone 

  • Blog posts and eightyfive beauty talks videos that perfectly answer your “How do I. . .?” questions 

Yes, you can gift it!

* Birthdays * Holidays * Graduations * Special celebrations * Relief from the 2020 Pandemic *

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Buy it for your sister, friend, or daughter and get ready to hear, "You give the BEST gifts!"



How long will it take for me to complete Secret Makeup Handbook?

It depends on you! The total running time of the video content is 2 hours, 6 minutes, and 2 seconds. There are additional resources that include blog posts and video content. You can go through the entire handbook on a Saturday afternoon, stretch the content out over a week’s time, or pick it up every few months. It is truly meant to be consumed at a pace that is best for your preference, learning, and enjoyment.

Can I purchase as a gift?

Yes! Click on the Gift Card option to purchase as a gift. During checkout there will be a section called Gift Card Delivery. That is where you will be able to type in the recipient’s name, email address, and message for delivery. Upon completing your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email and receipt. *You will not receive a digital download of Secret Makeup Handbook.

Will I receive a physical handbook in the mail?

No. Secret Makeup Handbook is a digital product and will be delivered via email.

Can I share this with a friend?

The recipient of this resource holds a license for a single user. If your friends and colleagues would like to use the activity, please direct them to

so that they can purchase it as well.  All content from Secret Makeup Handbook is protected by copyright by eightyfive beauty, LLC and no part may be reproduced, distributed, sold, or posted.

Does the Handbook include information about skincare and natural beauty products?

While there are a couple videos about keywords to look for in your makeup products and how I clean off my makeup and begin my skincare routine in the Additional Resources section, I do not explicitly teach about clean makeup brands or products. I am not a licensed esthetician, but recommend you speak to one about finding the best skincare products for your individual needs. To learn more about clean beauty I recommend connecting with Stephanie Bork on Instagram. For skincare tips check out Caroline Hirons on Instagram.

Will Secret Makeup Handbook teach me how to do makeup?

Yes! Secret Makeup Handbook has 8 application videos that teach you step by step how to apply makeup products, in addition to a full makeup tutorial. 

Is this appropriate for teens?

Absolutely! This is perfect for teens. It is the blueprint for how I will teach my nieces about makeup if they choose to wear it.

Is this right for me if I'm a beginner?

Yes! Secret Makeup Handbook includes all of the foundational knowledge that leads to a positive relationship with makeup. Once you’ve learned all of the essentials you’ll be able to build on that knowledge to go more advanced if you choose.

What is your refund policy?

Secret Makeup Handbook is nonrefundable.

Have a question that wasn't answered here?

Email us at and Keela will be happy to answer any of your remaining questions.

Next steps. . .

You will receive a confirmation email from eightyfive beauty ( immediately confirming your purchase and delivering your Secret Makeup Handbook digital download.